debate james white patrick madrid

Refuting James White
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewSet or VHS video. In this classic debate before an audience of. 1000 people
Patrick Madrid
Needless to say, "winning a debate " does not necessarily mean you have the truth on ...... James White vs. Gerry Matatics. James White vs. Patrick Madrid
James White Author Profile | Biography And Bibliography
Patrick Madrid , while Vice-President of Catholic Answers, indicated that Mr.
James White Misrepresentations,and Errors on Sola Scriptura
The debate between Patrick Madrid and James White was a great opportunity to contrast the Catholic and Reformed Protestant views on the nature and meaning
your last debate with James [ White ] - Planet Envoy
May 27, 1998 I listened to the debate between Tim Staples and James White on Sola .... and claims that he is only mouthing what Patrick Madrid spoke.
Patrick Madrid : Techno Apologetics: The "Sola Scriptura" Baptists
The debate between Patrick Madrid and James White was a great opportunity to
The Does the Bible Teach Sola Scriptura CatholicProtestant Debate
The "Great Debate " Was Great! Video and Audio Tapes of the July 11 “Communion of Saints” debate between Patrick Madrid and James White are now available.
Patrick Madrid : The White Man's Burden: A Look Back at a Catholic
The topic of this debate was "Does the Bible teach Sola Scriptura?" The outcome was that James White could not prove his position. Whether Patrick Madrid
A Reply to Protestant Apologist James White -- Apolonio's Catholic
4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Dec 13, 2005Has anyone listened to the "great debate " between patrick madrid and james

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